The GDIS Home Page


Snapshot 1
Snapshot 2
Snapshot 3
Snapshot 4

Sean Fleming


GDIS is a GTK based program for the display and manipulation of isolated molecules and periodic systems. It is in development, but is nonetheless fairly functional. It has the following features:
  • Support for several file types (CIF, BIOSYM, XYZ, XTL, MARVIN, and GULP)
  • OpenGL rendering (requires gtkglarea)
  • Assorted tools for visualization (measurements, ribbons, polyhedral display)
  • Useful manipulation tools, including matrix transformations and periodic image display.
  • Powerful surface generation and crystal morphology tools.
  • Animation of BIOSYM and GULP trajectory files
GDIS also allows you to perform the following functions through other packages:
  • Model rendering (courtesy of POVRay)
  • Energy minimization (courtesy of GULP)
  • Morphology calculation (courtesy of cdd)
  • Space group processing (courtesy of SgInfo)
  • View the Periodic Table (courtesy of GPeriodic)
  • Load additional filetypes, such as PDB (courtesy of Babel)
Although developed on a RedHat Linux platform, GDIS has been successfully compiled under IRIX, Solaris, OpenBSD, and OS-X. I've even built a Window's executable using the mingw32 cross-compiler!

The source code is released under the GPL.



GDIS development has moved to sourceforge.


Version 0.77 is now ready to be put through its paces.


Version 0.76.1 is now available in source tarball, RPM, and precompiled windows binary formats. So, head on over to the download area.

Read the Changelog

Development versions

If you have CVS installed, you can obtain the very latest version of GDIS from R&D as follows.

bash users:


csh/tcsh users:

setenv CVSROOT

Then login to the cvs server (password=guest) and checkout the source, i.e.

cvs login

cvs co sci/gdis

Mailing List

To join the general GDIS discussion and announcement list, you can send an email to with the line subscribe gdiscuss in the body of the message. Also, feel free to view the archive of past messages.

Scientific related links

You may want to check out the following:

Simple end user linux (science)
Scientific Applications on linux
Software for crystallography
Linux 4 Chemistry
Marvin's program
Empirical potential database